Ramadan Goal #1

Ramadan Goal #1 – Operations and Maintenance Costs

Since 1955, ISSA has evolved from being a musollah to an organization that adapts and responses to community’s varied needs. Alhamdulilah.

Building or rebuilding mosques in both metro and regional areas are pivotal moments for both ISSA and our community.

With a growing Muslim population, our mosques have experienced increases in maintenance and operation costs over the years due to:

1. Utility usage i.e. electricity, water, gas etc
2. Facilities’ wear and tear repairs
3. Cleaning and supplies usage
4. Imams wages
5. Staffs wages

Most times, we as a community have responded well towards mosque building donation drive. However, sometimes we failed to realize that these mosques need consistent support towards their upkeep and maintenance.

Here’s your call to action this Ramadan. Donate generously and consistently towards ISSAOps and earn the reward from setting up your donation in Ramadan.
Your support and contributions will benefit our Ummah and generations beyond.

Islamic Society of SA
1135 8279
Reference: ISSAOps
