Amazing Sadaqa Jariyah Opportunity!

Project Update 12 July 2024 !!

Dear Brothers and SistersAssalamu Alaikom Wa Rahmatu ALLAHi Wa Barakatuhu

Update on the project of purchasing the Elizabeth Masjid in Elizabeth Grove.

Since we launched this project in Ramadan, the community support has been uplifting and positive. Many are eager for the opening of this new masjid and the benefits it will bring to our Muslim community.

Alhamdulilah, with the grace of Allah, to date (12 July 2024) we have collected $270K for the purchase of this new masjid. Jazakhallah khairan for your generosity!

However, we’re still short of $330K to reach our $600K target.

Therefore, we request another 330 committed families or individuals to contribute $1,000 (one thousand dollars only) or any amount will be accepted for this amazing sadaqah jariyeh opportunity to be achieved.

*Note: you can either pay in full or schedule a payment plan of $250/month for 4 months.

Prophet (peace be upon him) said: ‘Whoever builds a mosque for the pleasure of Allah, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.’ (Sahih Al Bukhari)


Ways to donate

1. Islamic Society of SA

BSB: 065000 Acct #: 1270 9608 Ref: Elizabeth