Donate Now
Charity extinguishes sins as water extinguishes fire. (Tirmidhi Book 6, Hadith 71). Make a donation now to help those in need.
Pay your Zakat al Maal securely with the Islamic Society of South Australia.
Did you know donating for Masjid maintenance is an act of Sadaqa Jariya? Donate now for this noble cause.
To donate for a mosque and its facilities is an act of Sadaqa Jariya. Donate now to help with the extension plan of Marion Mosque.
To donate for a mosque and its facilities is an act of Sadaqa Jariya. Donate now to help with the renovation of Elizabeth Mosque.
To donate for a mosque and its facilities is an act of Sadaqa Jariya. Donate now to help with the building of Smithfield Mosque.
You can now conveniently pay Fidya here.
Did you know donating for the purpose of Dawah is an act of Sadaqa Jariya? Donate now for this noble cause.
You can now conveniently pay Zakat al Fitr here.
Your donations can help us maintain and upgrade our funeral services for the benefit of the Community. Donate now for this noble cause
You can now donate to ASA-our education services here.You can now donate to ASA-our education services here.
At ISSA, we not only provide religious services but also actively work with the government to advocate for Muslim voice and welfare of our community. To make an impact for the welfare of the Muslim community in South Australia, donate here