Ramadan Goals #3 & #4 – of Cemetery and Funeral Services
There has been an influx of Muslim migrants to South Australia of late and the numbers have grown exponentially.
With the numbers rising, there is an urgent demand for new Islamic cemetery and funeral services. Hence, a partnership with Adelaide Cemeteries Authorities was made in October 2022 to develop a land in Smithfield for Muslim burials.
In November, we launched Al Salam Funeral Services to compliment the new Islamic burial sites.
Our purpose – to provide affordable integrated services (burial plots and funeral services) to ease financial strain of our community when burying their loved ones.
We are still in infancy stage in these 2 projects. Yet, we had provided services to 8 families to date and we do want to continue giving our best to the community.
We bought our first janaza van in March 2023, grateful much to our generous donors. Alhamdulilah.
Insha Allah we will reveal the van design soon. Watch this space
ACA is also working closely with their architects and land surveyors to release the burial plots master plan soon. Insha Allah.
In ISSA, our role is to unite the UMMAH through engagements or services. We always seek partnerships or collaborations for us to progress forward. We love to compliment not to compete against.
There are few key initiatives that we are planning to deliver:
1. Practical washing/shrouding training
2. Janaza prayer
3. End of Life etiquettes for family/carer
Operational costs are pretty high for funerals; hence we do need YOUR support in ensuring consistent and quality services to you and your loved ones.
Here’s your call to action this Ramadan. Donate generously and consistently towards CMTRY or AFS and earn the reward from setting up your donation in Ramadan.
Your support and contributions will benefit our community in times of need.
Islamic Society of SA
1135 8279
Reference: CMTRY or AFS